A jab in time saves lives?

When the call came, it took me by surprisethough only an hour beforeI was trying to convince my worried wife.“It will come soon”, I told her, more inhope than in expectation.“You always say that”, she said,“always so positive, so bloody optimistic.” So, when the call...

Remembering nine lives

A cat has nine lives,the number of saplingswe planted in the gardensome four years ago. The saplings each honoureach of our grandchildrenbut there is one tree morespecial than the others. It is dressed in brown leavesprotected by the barewinter arms of the oak...

That special time

So let me tell you about the time we sat on the moonand splashed by the sea.Let me tell youhow we roamedthe hills and cameback contented. Let me tell youhow the tide swerved inour imaginationand the stars glistenedwith delight aswe sang to the futurewe...

In memory of Thomas

We may never knowwhat shocking fatecrushed tiny Thomasafter so short a time;what made life seemso fragile and so precious.We may never know. We will never knowhow tiny Thomas would havebonded with Jack his twin,how they would have played,cried and laughed.Just like...
Rising above the clouds

Rising above the clouds

Christmas at Clouds, the drug and alcohol dependency centre that once treated Robbie Williams, will be as jolly an affair as possible. Editor Mark Allen makes the journey to this country house and meets its inspiring staff and patients. The road to Clouds House is...